This week was pretty good at the start and then got crappy towards the end. Lets get riiiiiiiiigghht into this email!
6: Do u play fortnite?
As we were cleaing out our areabook, we texted this one number, and here is how the conversation went;
Me: Hey is this Ken?
Not Ken: No
Me: Sorry, wrong number then, God Bless!
Not Ken: Do u play Fortnite
Me: Haven’t in a while, been doing other stuff. You any good at it?
Not Ken: No I only have 2 wins
Me: Darn, I’d love to help ya boost that, but as a missionary, I just don’t have time for video games
Not Ken: Ah
Well I hope you have a great day
Me: You too buddy. Just remember when playing, do a double ramp rush. It’s easy but intimidates the opponent.
God bless
5: Actual snow!! Wow!!
After missing out on a white christmas we had a good snowfall this week! Unfortunately nothing really stuck, so kinda disappointing, but whatever. Which leads into my next thing;
4: Oregonians are a weak race
This one needs a little background. The Oakridge elders had a baptism on saturday so they came down to Springfield, on account of their building is lacking in the baptismal font department. They stayed the night, and we had district council and exchanges Friday! Come Saturday, the Oakridge elders got lots of texts and calls from their members telling them that 6 inches of snow is enough to postpone a baptism. The best part? The girl (9) who was getting baptised was coming in anyways to visit some family! After considering going forward with the baptism, but not because members would get angry at the elders, we finished our exchange, and they headed back. They encountered no snow. On Sunday Oakridge texted in that church had been cancelled. For the same reason. Bad Drivers + light snow + no testimony = church cancelled
3: I finally burned a tie for my 6 month mark, 2 months late.
The tradition goes; burn a tie at when you hit 6 months, burn a shirt when you are at a year, and a pair of slacks at 18 months, then a suit at 2 years. Of which I probably will not do, cause I don’t have the resources. But I might if I find the right stuff. Which I did for the burning of a tie. Elder Tarazon was igniting his pants, so I grabbed a spare tie lying around the apartment and joined the party. It seemed to be primarily plastic, so it stank.

2: Interzone Gatorball today!
So we got a call last night telling us that we will be doing p-day activities with the Eugene zone, mainly a big gatorball tournament. It’ll be fun especially since it’s pretty balanced.
1: My Phone is kill
So during zone lunch on friday, mt phone was losing power oddly quickly then it just died at 30%. Kinda odd, I guess the battery didnt charge enough last night, and the phone was just displaying the wrong percentage. When we got back to hte apartment and I plugged it in, the phone said that it was at 90% during the charging screen. Okay, that’s really odd. So I unplugged it, and the screen went black. Plugging it back in seemed to work, and the phone started up, and started up, and started up… just this constant cycle. So I called Elder Klingler, one of the office missionaries and he sent me some directions to perform a hard boot. Still nothing. It’s got to be a problem with the battery. OUr next course of action was to head to a sprint store, since that’s where the phone was originally bought from. They told me stuff that I already knew, and sent me to a better equiped store in Eugene. After going the wrong direction a few times we made it there. (Saw a couple people who looked like they were from the Witcher 3, or Oregon, either one.) My boy Jose was going to hook me up with a brand new battery, but this saleslady was asking if I wanted an upgrade. I said no, she told me it was free, and I said something to the effect of “I’m not using sprint cause I’m using the churches sim card.” She shuffled quickly to the back and told Jose to not help me. Luckily cause Jose was cool he let me know where I could go to get it fixed. But being about $20 short I had to wait until today for my loving mother to spot me. (Love you Mom! I’ve told you it already, but I cannot state it enough!)
This has been a week of ups and downs it’s been hard, but I’ve met some really cool people who probably wouldn’t have heard the gospel if we weren’t being diligent. That’s the lesson I’ve learned this week, Diligence. Keep doing what is right always, from small things of doing the dishes (still don’t like it) to following through on promptings.
I love you all, have a good week.
Elder Berky