So this week was really normal, mission-wise. Nothing really funny happened, so this email is going to be kinda short.
5: Tracting was fun, we found 7 new people, who were kinda cheese, so I’m not really counting on them being solid. We might not meet with them again.
4: When we headed to uptown Springfield to drop off some mail, we stopped by the famous Simpsons mural and took some pictures. Very cool
3: Last night we spent the night at the Zone leaders, and because elder Leifson wanted to play Tarazons settlers expansion we played. Now, as you play settlers with one other person it goes pretty quickly. However, with 4 people, it will keep you up till 1:30. Once we hit 12:30 I just started giving away my stuff to help the game end faster.
2: We put 2 people on date to be baptized! A younger kid named Alejandro, and a single mom named Tonya. Nobody came to church, so that felt awful, but we got plenty of administrative stuff done that had to be.
1: In the closet of past missionaries stuff, I found a nice pair of boots that fits me! I have been worried about what I would do if it snows, but now I’m covered!

I love you all, and hope you all have been doing well.