That is the main take-away from our meeting with an apostle.
10: Elder Cook came to the mission Because this doesn’t happen often, the whole mission gathered in Eugene. It was great seeing the missionaries that I haven’t seen in some time. But…
9: Standing for an hour on a stage with 151 missionaries can get very hot. In order to get a picture of the whole mission, all 151 missionaries packed onto a stage, and because we wanted to get one with Elder Cook, we stood up there for over an hour while he took his time eating lunch. I did get to chat for a while with everyone though. That was nice.

8: Just before the meeting, we ate at IHOP (for FREE) Because we got up very early for the ride to Eugene, we didn’t really have a breakfast. So we went to a place that I haven’t been since I was a young boy. As we ordered, some members came in, said hi, and sat down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the members get up and talk to one of the waitresses. It didn’t take much to figure out that they just paid for our food. That was a blessing in disguise, because I have exhausted my eating out fund. I’ve allotted myself $20 for fast food, and I used that all up within the first week of the month.
7: We have the first uninterrupted week of this transfer. This whole transfer has been weird, and nothing has been normal. Stuff has been postponed, we haven’t done a solid weekly planning session since the beginning of the transfer. Never thought I’d be complaining about that, but here I am. Luckily, this week will be normal, and uninterrupted.
5: Elder Tinney’s Birthday! None of you would know him, but it was his birthday on Friday.
4: A sense of urgency That was the main thing that I took away from the meeting with Elder Cook. Which, to me signifies a couple of things. The work of gathering Zion is becoming increasingly important, because of the difficult times ahead. The only way people will be able to make it through these upcoming decades is with the knowledge of the Gospel. Two, Christ is coming. I will be able to see him come, I have felt this for a while, and have had it confirmed to me by the Spirit. Even now as I type this.
3: Hit gud scrub Last week, when we watched Coco at the Becks, Elder Haws game-shared Dark Souls with Kayden. He finished downloading it, and asked for Elder O’Bannons help. Elder O’Bannon knows that game like the back of his hand; best armor builds, enemy placement, parry timings, everything. Is he helped Kayden out with the eternal Dark Souls mantra. “Git Gud”
2: List of study material is growing Whenever I have a question about something, and need to take it to the Lord, I just add it to my list of things to study. As I have been working through it, I have found that Gospel Library can help all questions. Anything from finding out the significance of the word father in the Hebrew language/culture to blacks in the priesthood. (Elder O’Bannon is still the reigning authority on that, cause he’s, well, you know… studied it.)
1: Sister Steele gave us a pound cake so dense, the boys at JPL used it as heatshield paneling on the space shuttle. The lady who does our (now only) weekend dinner calendar had us over for dinner, and she baked a cake so dense it bends light. Naturally she gave it to us to finish, cause the Steele’s are an old couple who couldn’t even finish her rice. Sorry I didn’t get a picture of this miracle material.
I love you all, and hope that the new Sunday schedule helps you come closer to having a relationship with Christ, rather than a testimony of the church. One is full of imperfect people, and the other makes those people perfect.
Look closely at who you love most, and evaluate.
Ya boi, Elder Berky