Well, I would like to First say sorry about not sending an email last week. But Christmas Eve was kinda wack. Christmas was awesome though! Thank you all so much for what you sent me! The sweaters are great, and the blanket is really cool! Unfortunately I can’t really use the new pan, because it needs to get seasoned, and we don’t have an oven to season it in. Or even a hot plate that works well enough. Oh well, that’s fine.
10: We helped clean up Tim’s computer, and helped him set up his VR headset! After seeing how nasty his setup was, Elder O’Bannon spent the next 3 days deep cleaning Tim’s computer, and whole desk. We got to watch him play with a first gen VR game called GORN. It’s really funny to watch him just swing around yelling.

9: I filled up another notebook of twitter thoughts. So to help me cope with my lack of social media, I have 3 character-capped notebooks full of stuff that I’m going post on twitter. As you can expect, it’s all garbage.
8: Jim and Darla are feeling better, and shopping! We haven’t been able to meet with Jim and Darla for the past couple of weeks because they have been sick. However, they got better, and we ran into Darla while shopping!
7: We are going to see Elder Quinton L Cook! On Friday, the whole mission is going to be gathering in Eugene to hear an Apostle of the Lord!!! I’m also going to see my mission buddies after other Zones!!
6: Deep Fry Night!!! Elder O’Bannon has a deep fryer, and so tonight we are going to be getting FAT!!!
5: I took my first trip the the Dry Cleaners, it was uneventful.4: We had 3 day splits with the Zone Leaders! On the days leading up to Christmas, and after we didn’t go back to our own beds for 3 days. I was running out of new clothing, it was great to get back to our Christmas decorated apartment! (Thanks Seevy’s!!!!)
3: I got Gay Cheerios for Christmas! From some members that we had breakfast with, (in the Zone leader’s ward) gave me these unicorn Cheerios that don’t even taste good. So they are gay.
2: I got a sore throat from all the Christmas sugar! So I got permission to take a nap to get better, and that, along with Vic’s Vapor rub helped me out.
1: I realized that I really don’t want to be in Leadership After hearing about some problems with the sisters in this zone, and in being a small part of the decisions there, I realized that I don’t want to be in Leadership.
I love you all, and hope you have made some good new years resolutions.
Elder Berky
Sorry i don’t have more pics, but my phone had been weird.