10: Elder O’Bannon is my new Companion! So Elder Sant went back to the coast, in the area that he wanted to serve in. (Good for him!) And I got Elder O’Bannon, who just came from the coast! When he walked in the apartment he said something to the effect of; “this is a significant downgrade, but hey, it’s clean!” He’s a great guy who wants to work hard, which is what this area needs. Someone who will work hard and not waste time, which I am prone to do.

9: The whole zone changed! Only one companionship stayed the same. There is a whole new dynamic in this zone, nothing really stayed the same. (except the Riverside sisters, but they are in Leadership now.) Cave junction got Elder Randall, my buddy from Central Point, and Elder Palesh, my Buddy from Central Point is my new Zone Leader! We also got my buddy from Central Point, Elder Seegmiller! Yeah, a lot of Central Point blood, just about 40 minutes from it!
8: WE made dinner for some MEMBERS. Yeah, in a little bit of a regime change, we made dinner for The Becks. Once on Wednesday (Steaks) and once on Saturday (Burgers). The reasoning behind it is; Since they are lazy, they don’t make nice, good dinners unless they have company over. We are usually that company, and because of the dinner change, they haven’t had a nice dinner in a while. I forget the reasoning for why we made them dinner, but we just raided their place, and found what we could do with what they had. It was fun, and I learned that burgers shrink so much on the grill. We started off with about 15 plate sized patties, and ended up with 15 burgers no bigger than a flip-phone.
7: Elder O’Bannon really likes his Gospel music. A LOT. So this whole week, I’ve been listening to the good music about the good Lord above (HallELUJAH!!!) Everything from Kirk Franklin, to Stevie Wonder, to The Winans.
6: Finally, some good solid tracting. So after about a transfer of not really doing tracting, Elder O’Bannon is ready and kicking to go out. So we used the information that Elder Sant and I gathered. We have been tracting as much as we could! I’m so pumped to finally be doing something.
5: I found our Nativity! Our stake had a big Nativity festival, where a bunch of people brought their different Nativities. There were over 400! Everything from Fisher Price Nativities to a whole table spread, with buildings and everything. It was really cool, there was a jazz band, an acapella choir, and all sorts of confections. It was great, I found our Nativity!

4: Elder Holland stayed my Zone Leader! So we are going to carry on the tradition of playing Cataan for weeks on end.
3: Elder O’Bannon does NOT play around with big dogs. Of course, being a missionary means you meet a dog or two, but being a missionary in Oregon means that EVERY HOUSE YOU GO TO HAS 2-3 DOGS!! There must be a law here in Oregon that everyone needs to have a big dog, and a small dog. Elder O’Bannon is not a fan of that. So whenever we hear a big ol’ WOOF on the other side of the door, he flinches. It’s kinda funny. Except when a Pitbull tears around a corner and he’s going to leave me in the dust to fend off “sweet Peaches”.
2: We got to teach Young Mens! Elder O’Bannon loves teaching about Blacks in the Priesthood, but has rarelly gotten a chance to, so he will JUMP at the opportunity to explain that “anti”. It’s ridiculously easy to disprove/explain.
1: This Transfer is going to be super wack. So this Transfer is going to go like this;Week 1: Transfers, a very weird week, still getting into the swing of things with a new CompWeek 2: Interviews with President, throws the whole week off Week 3: Scone (Zone) Conference, throws the whole week out of wack. Week 4: CHRISTMAS!!!! I’m not going to think about anything else that week, except for Christmas, getting to call home, zone activities, and watching a movie Week 5: New Years, not that special, but we get to watch a movie, so that will be fun.Week 6: The only Normal week.
I love all of you, and wish that you’re applying the #lighttheworld campaign that the church put out. It’s really cool, and people like it, or rather the friendly ones.
Merry Christmas, Elder Berky