10: Elder Sant is getting transferred, and I’m getting Elder O’Bannon! Yep, I’m getting my 4th Companion. Elder Sant is going to Coquille, and Elder O’Bannon is coming from… I forgot to find out. Oops.
9: I smashed my Pinky in the car door, ouch. I don’t even know how it happened, I shut the car door, looked over, and my pinky was sandwiched in between 2 doors. I looked at it for a solid couple of seconds, then pulled it out. It hurt a lot, but luckily the lesson that we were having went short enough that I could get back and ice it.

8: Got to look at some pretty sweet guns! When we went over to Jim and Darla’s they offered to show us some of their SWEET guns. As any good American, they had enough to defend a small village. Anything from a 60-yr old .20 gauge shotgun to a ceremonial Browning .22 that Jim got for $300 when it’s valued at over $3500, to a small 1-shot Ruger (I forget the caliber)
7: We helped set up our landlord’s Christmas Tree! That title is kinda misleading, (I should be a mainstream journalist!) they’re not really our landlords, They’re members that we live with. That was kinda confusing, but on the real point, we set up their Christmas tree with them! Then we had dinner (Frozen Pizza, salad, and Ice cream).
6: I get to drive now! So after 6 weeks of not driving, I finally get to drive the Rouge! It has some features that make it feel like the Enterprise! There is no ignition, I just get in, the car senses the key fob in my pocket, and off we go! (Not sure how I feel about that.)
5: There is a weird crack in our window. So even though our car is very new, we have developed a crack that keeps growing. We’ve alerted the vehicle coordinator, but that paperwork takes some time. Hopefully the crack doesn’t develop too fast.
4: Elder Sant and I weren’t getting along (See pic)So that’s kinda a lie, he was just reaching across me while I had the camera open and I took a picture.

3: We had a great lesson with Emily’s kids! Even though they were kinda all over the place, and asking all sorts of questions about prophets and the like, we got through the Restoration lesson. It was a lot of fun, and 2 of the kids (Peter and Erin) are baptism age! So we’re going to be putting them on date this Saturday!
2: We watched the Christmas devotional at our landlords! The Seevy’s had us over for dinner again, and we watched the Christmas Devotional on their ceiling! Brother Seevy has a cool attachment on his phone that turns it into a projector, so we angled that up at their ceiling, and enjoyed the Christmas devotional while eating M&M’s

1: We played Settlers with the Zone Leaders in their apartment Because this p-day is going to be basically void, seeing as we are going to be shopping tomorrow for transfers. As a result, no one was at the church for the longest time. We got bored of waiting at the church, so we went over to the Zone Leaders, and played Settlers of Cataan. We have played that game so much this transfer, I legit had a dream about playing it a while ago. I’m going to be buying one when I go home.
I love you all, and would love it if you checked out the Light The World video for this week, and sought out how you can apply it.
– Elder Berky