10: Thanksgiving was fun! Had enough food, but not enough to feel bad about eating We had Thanksgiving dinner with the Coleman family, and their cousins and such. It was plenty of fun, and there were plenty of people, and more importantly, plenty of food. I would just like to say, that Stuffing is the best thanksgiving food there is. Can’t change my mind.

9: We got a Christmas Tree!! Jim (a less active that we’ve been working with twice a week)went out to go cut down some Christmas tree, and brought us a little one! It’s small and great, we just need to get some more decorations, like a star for the top.

8: Jim & Darla came to church! So the Jim mentioned above, and his wife came to church! They loved it. I don’t know why they won’t come otherwise. They were so happy, even though they were only there for the first hour. Nobody ever regrets coming to church.
7: Peter (Emily’s son) got a part in the primary program! It’s great to see how quickly the ward has involved the whole family.
6: We won cleanest apartment, and are going to Yogurt hut later today! So out of the whole zone, we have the cleanest apartment! So our reward is that we get to go to yogurt hut for FREE!
5: We chopped wood for the Beck’s! Another less-active family who we visit pretty frequently needed some wood chopped, and so we came over and chopped a cord of wood. (Which is a lot) It would have taken much longer if we were using just a regular axe, but we were using a maul, which is heavier. It makes you feel so powerful! THE WOOD JUST SPLITS BENEATH THE POWER OF YOUR SWING!! HAHAHAHHA!!!

4: Our ward mission leader finally came back! It’s hard to explain the difference that a ward mission leader makes, but pretty much, now we have a solid person who we can depend upon to give us info about members we can visit at night. If that didn’t make any sense, that means we are on the same page.
3: Packages and Pokemon Cards! So my loving mother sent me a thanksgiving(?) package! It included things such as: My Pokemon cards, some protein bars, and to counter out those healthy protein bars, some candy, some leaves and rocks (?) a fantastic meal plan that I’ll put into practice January (Because the month of December lends itself to all sorts of unhealthy foods, and I have another reason to do new years resolutions!) and finally, a cute little lego minecraft cow.
2: Settlers week Because our zone is totally obsessed with Settlers, the zone leaders have decided to make missionary work a game! (I really don’t like this facet of missionary culture, but that’s beside the point.) However the game that the Zone leaders came up with puts the outlying areas, such as Merlin, and Cave Junction at a huge disadvantage. That’s okay, as long as everyone else is having fun, that’s what matters.
1: Giving talks is fun! We got to give talks in sacrament meeting! I gave a talk on thankfulness, using Dan 6:9-10, and a talk that (Then Elder) President Nelson gave; ‘Thanks be to God.’ It went over really well, and I’d show my notes, but I left them at the apartment.
Overall, this week went by really well, and I am getting excited for the holidays! People should be more willing to listen to a message of Jesus Christ, and hopefully not shoot us. (Is a big possibility in some places of Merlin.)
Merry Christmas! Elder Berky