So on Saturday, the Hall family was baptized into Christ’s restored church. That was the biggest thing that I could ever write. That night, in my journal (yes, I am keeping a journal Mom) I wrote that If they were the only baptisms I had on my mission, I’d be okay with that. But by saying that, I feel like I have much more to do. So there are no brakes on the mission train!!! Choo CHoo!!
8: Halloween was pretty fun, but we couldn’t go out and trick-or-treat. (Which sucked cause we had the most perfect costumes!!) But there was a ward party that we could go to, and a chili cook-off. I got to be a judge of the cook-off! Which went really well, the other judge and I couldn’t figure out who won, until we had a sister come in with her pot of chili asking if she was too late. She wasn’t, and she won. It was incredible chili, and that was a really easy decision. And it solved our tie problem!
7: Also on Halloween, we found this GIANT spider in our room, and so we trapped it in an empty jar, and then I guess it suffocated. It’s dead as dirt now.
6: We helped the Gills rake their yard, and that took several hours, the whole time sis Gill was hyping up this Spicy Italian sandwich from a local place, and she was constantly asking how okay we were with spicy-ness. So I was expecting this sandwich to be like death on a bun, but it was about as spicy as carrot. I was sorely disappointed.
5: We had to wash the car today, which is usually fun, but it was cloudy as an English Gothic novel, so that took all the fun out of it.

4: WE were heading to dinner, and for some reason, I got the wrong address. So we pulled up to this random dude’s house. And I thought that it was dinner, keep that in mind. So this younger dude comes out, and I was thinking that he might be dinner’s son or something, he was super friendly, but as we got to talking I started realizing that THIS ISN’T DINNER and so about 20 minutes later, we told him that we had to go, and told dinner why we were late, and they thought it was really cool.
3: Another dinner story, we went to a sushi conveyor place! And yes Dad, I did ask how pricing worked. (It was a buffet, so we had no pricing) But unfortunately the sushi wasn’t that good.

2: A member that we were having dinner with decided to show us their archery range, even though we were on a time crunch. It was pretty cool, but the bow that I was handed had a 60-lbs draw, which was very hard to draw. But I did it, and was fairly accurate. But we were still almost late for the baptism.

1: First off, we had to get a ride bc the baptism was all the way in Central Point (about 40 minutes away) so that was fun figuring that out the night before. (Thank you the Colemans) We showed up just in time, and I had to get changed really fast. I had to use the white pants that were there, because I forgot to bring my ones from home (oops) so I was holding them up slightly the whole night. But other than that, the baptism went very smoothly. The spirit there was so strong, everyone was feeling it so strongly. I legit couldn’t stop smiling, everything was so great. But I did break my shoelace while changing back into my regular clothes. Ooops, guess I’ll have to buy a new one at Wal-mart or something.
I love you all, and want you to know that Christ wants to be a part of your personal lives, all you got to do is let him in.
Elder Berky
P.S. I drew this picture during weekly planning. I hate weekly planning so much. I get legit delirious.