Yer a Wizard, Harry! You see, it’s funny because the area that I’m in is called Merlin, but it’s not as funny because Harry Potter doesn’t have a Merlin character. (I think, I’m not entirely sure, I remember Ron commonly using the swear “Merlin’s Beard!!” So he might have been a real person in the Harry Potter Cannon, but I don’t trust anything outside of the Original books, ’cause J.K. Rowling will say anything for a little bit of publicity)ANYWAY…. I’m going to get started with the actual email.
10: My first move went pretty smoothly, nothing left behind, except for a bag that I’ll be getting on Saturday. Speaking of which, is the day that the Hall family will be baptized! And I got permission to go back and baptize them!!
9: Our living arrangements are pretty nice, yet cramped. We live in the Garage of some members, which has been retrofitted to be a nice little studio apartment. It’s pretty dang small, and has no oven, stove or washer/dryer. So whenever I want to make food, I got to plug in a hot plate, and find counter space for it.
8: The area of Merlin is a lot like the area of Gold Hill, with a lot of space to tract, but not many doors to knock. Also Merlin has waaaaaaaay more gates than Gold Hill. But it is VERY VERY pretty. So tracting will be hard, our plan is to do a little bit of tracting each day, and do mostly less-active work, and referral contacting. It will be hard, but that’s what I’m here for.
7: My new companion is Elder Sant. He’s a really good guy from Texas, and has been out for over a year. The group that he came out with had 30+ missionaries in it!!! That’s a crazy amount! Every zone in the mission has at least 1 or 2 of them!

6: The ward here is rather small, we barely fill up the chapel, but apparently, we deserve a building all of our own! It’s one of the smaller ones, but it’s nice, and only a few miles from our place!
5: Merlin is a little further up in the mountains, so we get the most beautiful mornings, with fog, low laying clouds, and a light sprinkle of rain. I’d want to go out on a walk/jog in the morning if it weren’t for cougar sightings around our place. Yeah, so I might get to see/get mauled by a cougar. I’mma need a big knife.
4: The whole Grant’s Pass Zone (My new zone) is fairly young, with none of the missionaries being over their 18 month mark. So that’s pretty cool! A lot of (fairly) young faces, and people who are enthusiastic about the work. It’s hard being with a zone that has a good portion of it leaving.
3: Don’t worry mom, we’re getting fed, and very well too, the Dinner calendar is already full for next month. We have a family that has signed up for each week, and they are super chill and funny. They are so comfortable with the the missionaries, we don’t even knock, we just walk right in as they’re eating dinner! It’s weird to me, I’ve got to knock before I walk in, even if I don’t wait for permission. That’s just weird. We talk a lot about video games, and one of the kids showed me some gameplay for the new OverWatch characters. (yes, it’s okay)
2: I’m glad to be in a new area, it’s been an adjustment, getting to learn a new area book, and new members. But that’s okay. Change is good. That’s how we grow as children of God. Through change and trial we learn to adapt, improvise, and overcome.
1: Elder Jeanselme gave me his Spider-man 2 promotional bobble head!!! I LOVE THAT GUY!!

Elder Berky