I’m not sure what I can do for a cute little intro, so I’m just going to start.
10: We did service for a member in our ward, and we expected to help take out a tree. However the guys with the big machine didn’t come that day, so we just split wood and stacked it for the members instead. Was fun.
9: Also they had chickens! It was fun trying to catch them, and kinda made me homesick. (pics below)

8: I don’t know if I’ve told you guys this, but the Hall family has SOOOOO many cats. They’ve got about 12 cats just wandering around their property, and some of them are very friendly. (Also pics)

7: Zone conference was this week, and it was great! We talked plenty about studying, and staying physically and mentally healthy. It was really good, and I took a lot of notes. It was also really good to see some of the other missionaries.
6: Sunday night, we got a call from Bri (who’s in California right now) and she was talking with her friend about the gospel, but being a recent convert, she doesn’t know everything about the church. So we had a good hour-long conversation with Bri’s friend about the Restoration of the gospel, all over the phone. Man we really are living in the future.
5: We did some more service! This time, it wasn’t for a charity event, it was just for a marathon. BUT we did get these really cool safety vests, and construction flags. I got to stop some traffic so the runners could pass. The funny thing is, I didn’t even have any authority to direct traffic. People just trust you if you have a safety vest.

4: So our shower broke. I got in, and pulled up the rod to have the shower run, but the whole contraption just fell apart. That was fun. So hopefully the housing guys will come over and we won’t have to do sponge baths.
3: We (no, I) made some mac ‘n’ cheese. But not from a kraft box, but like from scratch. It turned out really well. We just were out of milk for the rest of the week.

2: Elder Jeanselme just barely (like 20 minutes ago) locked our keys in the trunk of the car. He really didn’t want me to say that, and spread his shame. So I am.
1: For a spiritual thought, I want to talk about the women’s session of conference. We’ve been asked to apply the challenges that have been extended to the women. So I’ve been re-reading the BoM, and reading the Relief Society charter since those are really the only things that I can do. (Can’t go to the temple, already not using social media) But I want Y’all at home to be doing the same things. I can promise that as you do so, you’ll feel an increase in the spirit, and further clarity in life.
I love all of you, and will email you next week
Ya Boi,

Elder Berky