So, I didn’t forget to email you guys, its just that p-day was moved to Tuesday this week because today we get to go to the temple! Woo Hoo!!
10: I had a weird dream that we had hot pans on top of our cabinets in the kitchen and we were cooking bacon on them. Really weird, mainly cause the only thing that I was worried about was how much the bacon cost.
9: We had exchanges this week with the Zone Leaders, and we spent the most of the time at a big charity event for Alzheimer’s. It was a lot of fun, even though we were there since 5:40 in the morning. A lot of people were really impressed (both staff and attendees) with how nice and genuine we were.
8: Elder Jeansemle met his primary-school teacher from Wisconsin! She has moved over here fairly recently, so we met her at church and they talked for a while! was really fun to see how God puts these little “Coincidences” in our way to show us he’s really there for us.
7: So some other service we did was at the Church’s Pear Farm! Harvest time is over so we were just doing a lot of clean up for next picking season. Namely washing out and stacking all the bins that they use for the storage of the pears. Lot of fun, and I got to use the pressure washer to clean the bins. Those guys are a lot of fun to use.

6: Another thing that we did for exchanges is meet with guy who the Zone leaders have been working with for a very long time. He loves everything about the Gospel, but just can’t come to terms with paying his tithing. UUUUGGGHHHH!!! Tithing brings soo many blessings, why can’t people see that??
5: We had a lot of fun at the Hall’s (Bri’s Family) yesterday, with teaching everyone individually, and helping them prepare for baptism on the 3rd of November.
4: Another reason we were over there is because they signed up for dinner! When Lourie (the mom) asked us what we’d like to eat I said “Chicken Pot Pie” and even though she had never made it before, she came out with some really good pot pies!
3: Because its getting darker much sooner, and we’d literally get shot if we went tracting after dark, we have been doing a lot of study. Just reading the word of God is the greatest thing that you can spend your time doing. Please, if you haven’t had time to study the scriptures, make the time. It really will bring you more peace and joy than anything else.
2: A sister in our ward really likes to bu things in bulk, and long story short, I got a bag of regular razors. Those dudes shave sooo much more clean and close than electric shavers. 10/10 very smooth face.
1: After helping out with the Alzheimer’s walk, they had a bunch of balloons that they were just going to throw away/let loose. So Elder Jeanselme with Elder Goyen (we were still on exchanges) took this massive balloon arch and shoved it in the car to put in the ZLs apartment. Elder Olsen and I didn’t know, we were getting Jimmy Johns. So when we walked into their apartment to eat lunch, there were balloons E V E R Y W H E R E!

I love you all, and hope that you have a great week!
Elder Berky
P.S. I found a really nice spider-man mask for cheap at Goodwill. Of course I bought it.