Well, Elder Willits has gone home, and that was really hard to see him go. But now I have Elder Jeanselme! Yup, its French, and it’s pronounced “John- Salm” He’s got to explain it every time we talk to someone, its fun. Anywho, i’m going to get started on my top 10!
10: Well, this week was transfers, and Elder Willits went home. I’m going to miss him a lot! The worst part is that when we were saying goodbye at the transfer spot it wasn’t really goodbye, since he was coming to a ward event with his family. He was doing a mission tour, meeting everyone from his previous areas, and so we met up and did our final good-byes on Friday. Miss that man.

9: So this is the first time I’ve had a new companion, and it’s very weird, he has a totally different style of tracting, is a very different type of personality from Elder Willits, and just everything. It’ll take a while to get used to the differences, but that’s okay, He’s a great guy, and I can’t wait to work with him.

8: This p-day we went on a little hike, up to “Table Rock” check the pics below.

7: Had dinner at the Medina’s, which was funny because they are very well put together, and I forgot to tell elder Jeanselme about it, and he was just in awe of everything they had. They are a very musical family, and let me check out the Lute guitar that they had gotten from Athens, Greece! Very cool.

6: Bri’s family has a bunny apparently, and so when I asked to see it, they brought it down. and then told me I could have it! But I kinda can’t, because I’m doing too much missionary stuff to take care of a bunny. But they said that I could get him after my mission!!! Sweet, I can have a low-maintenance pet for after the mission!!

5: This week has been long, and weird. Getting used to a new companion, taking over the area is hard. But it’ll be good, I’ll learn how to be a BIGE boy.
4: After finding out that it’s really hard to get gospel knowledge into a whole family, we have started to teach the Hall family individually. It’s been great, we now have planned lessons laid out almost every day of the week.
3: Speaking of the Hall family, they will be moving really soon! NOOOOO!!! but not until they are baptized. So now the pressure is on to get them through all the lessons, and get them dunked as fast as we can.
2: We are getting a new car! The one that we are currently using is getting a little up in the miles (50k) and the church likes to sell them at that point. Our new car is going to be a 2019 Toyota corolla. Nice. because of that, we’ll have all our miles for the month refunded when we get the new car, so we’ve been planning plenty of boonie tracting. Gonna be sweeeet!
1: I am just very happy for life to be going on, for everyone. Don’t ever doubt that. No matter what happens, life will keep going. Just keep going with it.
Love you all,
Elder Berky