Nope, not me, but Elder Willits just had his last week. Yeah, it’s hard. I don’t know what I’m going to do without him. Well, keep going on, but it just isn’t going to be the same. Anyways… Top list time!
7: I’m sure some of you might have seen this on good old Facebook, but Bri has gone to the temple! After just a week of being baptized! That’s nuts! This kinda thing just doesn’t happen! She wanted to do some family names, but couldn’t get the right permissions lined up, so that was sad. But who cares? Temple!

6: While playing gatorball (a combination of soccer and rugby) I got the ball kicked into my face, and it jammed my glasses into my nose. Which caused me to bleed, and might leave a scar. So that was pretty cool. Luckily it stopped bleeding so I didn’t get any blood on my clothes. In fact, I didn’t even notice until we stopped playing and somebody said something.

5: Bri’s whole family, who hasn’t really been fans of the church have now all committed to be baptized! That’s so great! They’ve come a long way!
4: That’s really all we’ve been doing. Like all week we have been teaching them, either all together (doesn’t go so well) or by themselves (goes very well)
3: Got to spend a couple days with Elder Allan! He came out with me, but he’s going to the Philippines! He’s just staying here while he waits on his visa. We got to hang out, and he went to the Temple here in Medford, while Elder Willits went up to the one in Portland. That was a weird day.

2: I got to do service in in a homeless shelter, feeding people, and some dude brought in all these freaking pies! I kinda wish I was homeless now, I want some pies!

1: Sometimes i think “what am I doing out here?” But seeing the change that the Lord has brought to people, just because I’ve simply showed up where he told me to, has totally changed me. I am so thankful to be here today.

I love you all, and want y’all to read from 2 Nephi 31! Do some homework guys!
Elder Berky