10: Elder Willits got sick! It might have been a combination of my sick, and the nasty smoke that has been up here. So u got a whole Saturday to read the new testament, and do some other paper stuff.

9: Thank you for the letters! It was very fun to read them, and was a great spiritual boost.
8: I found a road kill skunk.

7: the smoke was very bad one day on one half of the sky, but really nice on the other half. This is a weird state.

6: We ha dinner with President Orton at this really good seafood place. It was great to talk with them about the work and stuff. Also I had a really good lobster roll.

4: not too much else happened this week, it has been really wack.
3: After stake conference Sunday we ran Into a couple ladies sitting on the grass talking, and so we went up to them, and talked for an hour. They weren’t interested, but at least they know that us latter day saints aren’t totally nuts.
1: gonna play glow in the dark volley ball now, love you all!
Elder Berky