Week status: It has been a week.
10: On Tuesday we helped a part member family dig up a ton of aluminum, and as we were pulling it out of the ground we saw that it was an old wrecked trailer. I Also found a pink Floyd cassette tape, but it was filled with earwigs, so…. Yeah. Can’t exactly try to pawn that off.
9: Today, we went bowling, and it was pretty lit. I keep forgetting how fun bowling is. Let’s go bowling when I get back.
8: We walked up to this one house, and the lady in her backyard saw us all the way through her back and front door, and just waved us in. So we were like “ummmmm… okay….” and walked into this lady’s house and talked to her about the book of Mormon. It was weird.
7: found a big spider named Eliot at the bishops house. Bishops son found out what it was, but i forgot the name.

6: Weather is getting better.
5: We kinda skipped weekly planning so that was great.
4: We were walking to our car, and the same truck that uncle Dave has drove by! I waved at him and said “hey that’s my uncle’s truck.” Then he backed up and asked if we were handing out free books, so we said yeah, and he told us that his grandson was dead. So it was a good thing that I had a plan of Salvation pamphlet on me.
3: We met this lady from Rhodesia. Her name was Diana, like wonder woman. She was’t interested at all.
2: We made some really cute notebooks! Pics included

1: I got a ton of jelly beans! Elder Willits bought them for me!
Love you all.