Yeah. Smokes back. We were doing so well, we had blue skies for almost a whole 3 days! But last night the air quality was 236. Anything under 100 is healthy. 236 is lung cancer levels. yaaaaaay

10: I got volunteered to sing “I need the every hour” in sacrament meeting. I’d be perfectly fine with that, but I haven’t sung in a hot minute, so I’m a little rusty.
9: I get to bully elder Willits about going home! He’s going home this transfer, and has to do a online “class” about re-adjusting to being a normal person. The thing is, he really doesn’t want to go home. So he has to get used to that, and so I make fun of him so he can accept that he’s leaving.
8: I found a Lego dude. He’s mine now.
7: My phone finally got a crack. It’s a little one in the corner, and I’m thankful for my screen protector. I’m not going to replace it just yet, I’m going to wait for another tragedy, then replace it.
6: When driving home last night, the smoke was so bad that we couldn’t see that far without turning our brights on. When we did, the road looked like the “upside down” from stranger things. So i got to explain what stranger things was to elder Willits.
5: We went it to visit some new members in our ward, who aren’t new members, but the daughter wants to get baptized, but her dad who lives in Arkansas said no, but she’s living with her mom and grandparents, I don’t know it’s weird. Anyways we visited them, and they live out in the freaking boonies. But that gave us a great chance to take these sweet photos. (See below)
4: Moving bales of hay in proselyting clothes is fun. We got hay everywhere, in every pocket and wrinkle on our clothes. That’s what’s expected when we ask “is there any service that we can do for you?”
3: Another photo shoot that we did was at a place that reflected the majority of what we walk and drive down here in Gold Hill.

2: We have got some new friends with transfers, and some NEW NEW friends. I’m finally not the newest kid on the block!
1: I really don’t like Weekly planning.
I love all of you, and more importantly Jesus Loves you. Keep going strong, and remember, doubts aren’t the end. After all, a doubt of a young farm boy brought about the restoration of the gospel on earth.
Elder Berky