With the Frizz? NO WAY! OooHh…
Cruisn on down main street, your relaxed and feeling good, next thing that you know you’re saying “an octopus in our neighborhood?”
I’m not entirely sure why I wrote that, but okay, let’s talk about the Lord’s work!
10: After a couple weeks of horrible weather, due to the fire nation, (smoke) we finally got a blue sky! It was so nice! We didn’t have to wear any masks that day!
9: I do not like Weekly planning. It never goes how we want it to. Oh, our plans? Nah, they go down pretty well, but it just takes forever to do them. This week we didn’t get out of the apartment until 5! And that was for dinner! Uggghhh.
8: Always, always, always follow promptings. We had just an hour left one day, and were trying to decide what to do with that time. Elder Willits got the prompting to visit this one ‘investigator’ who has mainly just been using us for service, and not much else, so we headed over. She wasn’t there. So we went over to a trailer park with a couple investigators in it. We knocked on one door, nothing. So we headed over to another trailer. Nothing. So we started heading back to the car. As we were walking, we saw a lady on her porch, drinking and listening to her phone. She had her ear buds in so we kinda had to walk up to her, and had the most spiritual message ever. This woman, Sarah has gone through some crazy stuff. All she wants is to come back to the strait and narrow. But she didn’t know how to so that because her entire life has been away from God. Moral of the story? ALWAYS FOLLOW PROMPTINGS.
7: We brought an inactive member who hadn’t been to church in forever back to church after one meeting. We stopped by their home, and only the father was home, so he invited us in and we talked for a while, then the wife came home with a ton of ice cream. She offered us some and after a chat we talked about how important the sacrament is. I guess that was something that the wife really needed to hear, cause she was in church Sunday!
6: After months of not driving, I am driving now. It’s kinda weird, mainly because I’m so used to the crown Victoria, and I have a regulation box that’ll yell at me if I speed or take a corner to hard. Oh well. I’ll get used to it.
5: I got to read a bit out of a Jehovah’s witness ‘pamphlet’ and those guys are wack.
4: We met this nice preachers daughter who must be worked as an auctioneer. She freaking would talk so fast! She was nice, and listened to our message and promised to read some passages out of the BoM.
3: I stitched up a couple pairs of slacks that had ripped down the edge of the pocket. They look alright! I did one on the inside so you can’t tell that it was ripped.
2: Normally at church I like to just relax and go ‘okay, you teach ME for a change’ but not this Sunday. I gave a talk, and taught gospel principals. But it all went well, so yeah.
1: Jesus Loves us all so much. He gave his life simply so that we could find solace and comfort. And to come back to our father. Never forget that. No matter how bad you think you are, no matter how far off the path you are, Christ will come get you and bring you back.
0: I ate an Australian.
Elder Berky