So I know that i used that joke in my first letter home, but it just worked for this week. In case you don’t know, there have been a ton of fires up here. All over the valley where I’m in, and because of the weather patterns all the smoke just gets trapped in.I’m gonna get lung cancer.Well, life changing diseases aside, let’s talk about top 10s!
10: I have had a bit of experience with bible bashing, but we met this one investigator who wanted to TORAH bash. He has self taught Hebrew, and doesn’t accept anything else besides the original Hebrew texts. Why was he investigating the Book of Mormon? Probably to prove it is fake. Interesting guy. His brother is the same way too, but he had printed out this power point presentation with all sorts of wack stuff about the Mormons. Somehow Donald Trump had something to do with it. Weird.
9: We are helping this one family move, but the house they were going to move into had some major water damage going on. So we’ve been helping them to take down sheet rock, and set up trusses and everything. It kinda makes me feel like I’m home, doing some crazy project because someone didn’t look deep enough into it. It’s great tho, the couple are older so they can’t do everything and helping out is fun.
8: The smoke here is so bad, you can look at the sun directly. If it’s a good day, you can’t look at it very long, but on a bad day the smoke obstructs the sun so much it won’t even hurt your eyes. Been wearing a painters mask when going tracting so we can stay out for longer than an hour.

7: there is a missionary who came back this week from Tempe AZ! We were at his homecoming dinner/party, and it went well! He said that “it still hasn’t set in yet.” It probably will when he’s sitting alone, and do a double take cause he can be alone now.
6: We visited the famous “Crater Lake” (see pics below) and tho it was a bit Smokey, it was nice! Didn’t have much time to do much bc we still have stuff to do on our p-day. We got a nice less active couple to drive us up and spend the day.

5: We had zone conference on Thursday, and it was great! All the missionaries in the central point zone gather up and get some lessons and ‘classes’ on how to be better missionaries. We were told to focus primarily on preach my gospel. So I’ll be doing that some more in my personal studies.
4: Bree is a champ! When we were teaching a lesson on plan of Salvation, she just kinda asked “what do I need to do too get baptized?” She wanted us to drop everything on her so she could get baptized as soon as she can! So we dropped everything that you gotta do to get baptized on her. Legit the only thing that she had a problem with is coffee and modesty, which she’s down with, she just needs a new wardrobe.
3: We found a pot farm! Elder Willits and I were heading out to contact a less active couple, and Google maps told us to head down this very long driveway. Google maps is a liar. It wasn’t a driveway, but a giant pot farm. We stopped and asked some guys working there about where the members were and they pointed us in the right direction. But yeah. Big pot farm.

2: We taught someone about the book of Mormon while at a pizza place! He was standing next to us in line, and asked us why we were dressed nice. We explained that we were Mormon missionaries, and after we got our pizzas we asked if we could sit with him. He was cool. We gave him a BoM, and told him about it. Super cool experience.
1: How much the Lord loves us. And how much he wants us to learn and find. All we have to do is go out and find it. Read the scriptures, tell someone about the gospel. Pray every time you run into something that you don’t think you can deal with. Pray in the morning and at night.
I love all of you.