Wow. Another week gone by. It has been so busy that I have no clue what to even say! Well, um. How about just starting into the list!
10: After having a great dinner at this nice Mexican place. (the one with the “gringos” menu) The sister who brought us there had plenty of life stories and we just talked about a lot. I also got to try a chalupa! Afterwards we asked if there was anything that we could do, and she asked for a priesthood blessing! So we left the loud Mexican restaurant, headed over to her house, and gave her a wonderful blessing. It was really great, and we could feel the spirit very strongly.
9: IT FINALLY RAINED HERE! After a whole month of perfectly blue skies, we finally got a bit of rain right before church! Sunday was a good day because of that.
8: it has been HOT here. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around, because whenever I would think about Oregon, I always thought that it was really cold and rainy all the time. But no! Its constantly been over 100° up here! Which is another reason I was super excited for the rain.
7: I met another crack head. On Sunday as we were walking over to our ward mission leader’s office, there was this older guy in a leather jacket asking us about the “Mark of the beast” somehow it was Nazis. It’s always the Nazis. He was nice, his name was Tim.
6: Exchanges were this week! We met up with Elders Law and Ross, who are in the city just south of us. It was great, Elder Law and I went out tracting and met; an atheist who doesn’t believe in the word of man, a kid who’s cat had just died, a lady who wasn’t super interested but still wanted a BoM, and a girl who was uncomfortable with talking about her Faith, but had a ton of Crucifixes all over. Then Elder Law and I went to dinner with our investigator Bree, and that dinner went 2 hours too long. Oops.
5: The next day I got to hang out with Elder Ross, we went out to try and contact some former investigators. Nothing really interesting happened then. But it was good to talk with someone else for a while. They’re both great Men. Hope we can go on exchanges with them sometime soon.
4: We had interviews with the Mission President. That day was weird, because we didn’t know when we were going to be heading into interviews, so we didn’t schedule anything for that day. But it was a great chance to read the scriptures some more that day. Then all the other missionaries showed up at the church. And we just talked for a long time. It was nice.
3: The majority of our lessons this week have been just reading the Book of Mormon. We had a lesson with Bree where she said that she didn’t have any time to read, so Elder Willits and I said “well, let’s read it then!” It was great, she had plenty of questions and we elaborates on some of the odd wording and structure of the Book of Mormon. We then did the exact same thing with another guy named Dominic! They both came to church yesterday, so I guess we’re doing something right!
2: On Saturday we were at this little food truck (that’s been cemented into the ground) and as we were waiting for our food, we started talking with another couple about the book of Mormon, and handed one to them, but right after that the wife of the owner told us that “we can share the word of God, but not the book of Mormon.” I wanted to respond with ‘what if it was?’ But we didn’t want to start something, because we don’t want them to mess with our food. It’s good food.
1: The only food that seems to be around here is either Mexican food, or pizza. Every time members take us out for dinner it’s always Mexican food or pizza. I love Mexican food, but please let’s go get Chinese or something! Oh well, we’re getting fed, so we shouldn’t complain too much.
This is the first week that I’ve felt like a real missionary! I’m looking forward to teaching people about the gospel, and am not just trying to get through another day. All of a sudden 2 years commitment isn’t that big a deal. I love you all so much!! But more importantly Jesus Loves you!
Ya boi
Elder Berky