Top 15 most overpowered anime characters. If you can think of an anime character that is more overpowered than the ones listed here, be sure to comment down below! While your at it, don’t forget to like and subscribe so you don’t miss another EPIC anime list again! Let’s get riiiiiight into the [list]
1: Brother Vitus is the MAN! He’s our ward mission leader, and on Saturday he took us out for lunch to a local pizza place, and got the deluxe version of everything. We have so many leftovers. Then he took us out for dinner to this very nice Mexican restaurant. Of which we also got so many leftovers! He easily dropped $100 on us. This man is going to be a sooo blessed.
2: We went on splits with the zone leaders (which means we switched companions) and Elder Clem and I went out tracting. We met this nice man who was working on a ’73 chevelle. Very nice man, and car. Talked with an older lady who spent the whole conversation telling us what we believe. Then we got a couple Gatorades from a nice Catholic couple who wished us luck in the area cause everyone was either Catholic, Jehovah’s witness, or seventh day Adventist. It was a good time.
3: Elder Willits and I were going out to talk to this one investigator, who didnt happen to be home at the time, but right as we were starting to leave, a car pulled up, and we started talking with this young mother named Bree. She was very interested in our message, and scheduled a lesson later. We had the lesson at a members house, which was a Victoria era looking house. Very nice. Bree was very touched by the restoration, and said the first vision story was beaitiful. That lesson went for 2 hours, but no one minded. I am so thankful for the Brown’s for letting us in their home!
4: In the desk that i use, I found some Pokemon cards from mcdonalds!
5: The ward had a fantastic bbq at which we got to see some members that have been less active, and got to talk with them and hopefully get a lesson set up.
6: I got to talk to elder Clem all about comics and the story of Jawbreakers. He thought the characters are cool and the production story was interesting too!
7: On Sunday we had dinner with a less active couple, and it wasn’t Mexican food for once! The lesson we talked about was baptism and the sacrament, they were really touched by it, and commited to coming to church next week. Nice.
8: I’m going to start a protein breakfast and lunch shake thing so i can be stroncc and not thicc.
9: It’s the 4th of July this week and I’m kinda bummed because I can’t shoot off fireworks, and we can’t go tracting to watch them go off. 🙁 That’s fine, I’ll just stay up late and sit on our little balcony and watch them.
10: Speaking of fireworks, we met this lady on our last door of the night, and she has been in the fireworks business and told us some super neat tips with fireworks. You’ll have to wait till I get back home to tell you. Or take me someplace with nice fireworks and I’ll tell you. Anyways, we chatted about religion for a while and she said she would read over the book of Mormon that her friend gave her, and set up a return appointments.
11: That’s another thing I’ve noticed, everyone knows a Mormon. And everyone seems to have been handed a book of Mormon at one point or another. Which is good when the Mormon they know is good but we’ve run into one or two people who know some not-very-faithful-members let’s say. But that’s kinda rare.
12: We found our P.O. box! If you want to send us the good stuff, ;)Don’t bother, this is Oregon, and it’s already legal. But if you want to send some printed memes or framed pictures of Guy Fieri go for it! (Its P.O #48, 375 2nd ave, Gold Hill, Oregon, 97525)
13: We had a lesson with a good guy named Dominic, who is a seventh day Adventist, but likes to keep an open mind. We talked to him about the restoration, and he really liked it and thought it made sense. We extended a baptismal invite when he comes to know that these things are true, and he said yes! As we were wrapping up his dad came in and we found out that he had been talking with the missionaries before they moved up here! He said that he might sit in on a lesson next time! Nice.
14: I am so grateful for personal study and prayer. It’s a great time to just sit down with the Lord in mind and read his word, or just talk with him. The book of Mormon really brings a peace into the day that you never can get anywhere else. I just don’t understand why I didn’t take some time in the morning before I came out to read even a few verses. It’s not that hard, or even much of a commitment. Please do it. Even 5 minutes is fine.
15: Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you’d want in your burger king burger is someone’s foot fungus, but as it turns out, that might be exactly what you get…
I love you all, and appreciate you tolerating my stupid humor just to read this. Going on a mission has been The best choice i could have possibly made.
Ya boi,
Elder Berky