By David
(Based on the book “Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo” by Rosetta Stone (Dr. Seuss?))
Because a client said “See you at HIMSS on Monday,”
We scrambled to find out what HIMSS was.
Because we found out HIMSS was the worlds largest health care IT conference,
We decided to go.
Because we had enough money in the account,
We were able to go.
Because we were able to go,
We saw 1200 health care information technology vendors and associations.
Because we saw so many vendors and associations,
We decided to meet as many as we could.
Because we were meeting the vendors and associations,
We met the local chapter of AAHAM, the American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management.
Because we met the friendly folks of AAHAM,
We were invited to speak at their next conference in Las Vegas.
Because we accepted their invitation,
We prepared a presentation and set up a booth at the AAHAM convention.
Because we had created some great ICD-10 tools,
Wyn and LaMont were able to put together an interesting presentation.
Because Wyn and LaMont gave such a great presentation,
A person from a HUGE potential client was impressed.
Because this person was impressed,
She asked us if we could provide ICD-10 tools for her company’s clients.
Because we started providing ICD-10 tools for her company’s clients,
… (to be continued)
Now the main question is: Were all these incidences merely coincidences?
Or can you see the hand of the Lord in all things?
We can! (Plus maybe some help from St. Henry.)