The Joy School group that I’m in has been great this year. Not only has saved money, but has been fun to choose what field trips we could do with the kids. (See the Instrument Petting Zoo post).
Today we went to Pleasant Grove to the Hee Haw farm where the farmer’s wife did a fun little presentation, then the kids got to go pet (chase) the new animals, go on homemade slides and rides. Pretty good for $6 admission. (And smart business practice for the farmer!)

Jacob ABSOLUTELY loved the animals. He kept going back to the rabbits and wanting to pet them. I had to chase a couple of the rabbits that got out of their cage because of all the attention they were getting from the kiddos.

Samuel’s favorite was the LOOOONG homemade slide. Complete with a water puddle at the bottom 🙂 ! Fortunately he wore the right kind of pants that dried quickly when I had him sit on the black, really warm tubing.