Just a few weeks before attending the World’s Longest Pinewood Derby Track event, our local Cub Scout Pack had their Pinewood Derby race.

We made 4 pinewood derby cars with the help of a neighbor and his jig saw. The boys had their cards painted with spray paint and then they painted their own designs on them. Although none of the cars were super-fast, they were not the slowest cars either and all the boys got to race their cars after the official race was over. Anthony, the only Berky boy eligible for the official race did well with his car – once they got it going the right direction.
Then several weeks later we attended the World’s Longest Pinewood Derby event in Sandy, UT. Grandpa Berky was with us as well. The event was held at the Rio Tinto Soccer stadium in Sandy. There were not as many people there as we had thought there would be so the boys got to race their cars down the track a lot of times. And since it was not an official race, we were allowed to put all kinds of extra things on the cars to weigh them down so they would go faster and longer on the track. We used batteries, screw-drivers, even the bottle of wood glue we had brought along.