Our wonderful little town of Spanish Fork continues to have great events for the families here. Last year, to celebrate the new windmills that have been put at the mouth of the canyon, a new WindFestival was created. We actually went to the inaugural event and had quite a fun time (even though we arrived in our typical late fashion, and vendors were beginning to pack up).
This year we got there early (the day before in fact), for the Luau dinner and a few other events. We were up past the reservoir for the dinner, then we hiked down to the beach. (At this point, I must add that the boys started walking around the edge of the reservoir. Samuel was sitting down trying to get a rock out of his shoe when they started off. He then began running to catch up on the sidewalk above the slanted cement sides. His little legs were really pumping! He finally caught up at the half-way point.) Then we all went down over to the gun club where there was a large field for a special kite/wind demonstration, but the wind didn’t blow! (The first time in 60 days.) Dave was tired from the day and the hiking around and he almost convinced me to not hike back up to the reservoir to see the Kites with Lights. But we both relented to the boys’ pleading that we go back to watch. And I am glad we did.
Kiteman Productions used their waverunners on the reservoir to make their own wind and danced the kites. It was a great production and everyone was entranced. (Except Jacob who just wanted to go home and go to sleep.) They had music which they choreographed their flying kites. And to make it even more special, the kites were lit up so in the pitch black, we could see the beautiful lines they created. Really awesome!

The thing that the boys will remember best about this year’s Wind Festival was that there wasn’t any wind to fly their kites. But they did get to try some rip-scooters (kind of like rip-sticks, but in scooter form). They thought that was a pretty cool thing. Dave took the boys the next day and they got to see lots of other fun things. Like for the grown-ups, trying a Segway, and seeing demos on how to use alternative energy sources. And of course, getting lots of flyers. (Of which there is a rocket stove that I think we will get to add to our Emergency Preparedness.)