On his 8 month birthday, Jacob finally decides to crawl!
In words from cousin Savannah:
We were downstairs and Jacob saw piece of a horn. Then he decided to crawl to them. Then he crawled to them! I tried to get him to do it again. I used one of his toys. Then he did it again! I was so glad i told everyone!
Back to LaReita: It was a very exciting day for everyone! Jacob was beaming while everyone shouted and cheered for him. Today he has been crawling a bit more to everyone’s delight. I have been wanting him to figure out crawling because I know that it is an important developmental step for them in learning how to read. (Cousin Laurel Ann Strate, who is an excellent educator can fill you in on all the scientific details.) So our patience and efforts in helping him get down on his knees finally paid off.
Though his favorite thing to do is still to stand. And grab the glasses off my face. He’s getting pretty quick at that!