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January 13th, 2009 – Samuel’s 3rd Birthday
The first few pictures are of Jacob of course, in case that adorable smile distracted you from the name on his shirt.
I went to the store the night before to get him 3 balloons and the standard “sugar cereal” birthday breakfast. When he woke up in the morning he and his brothers were VERY excited to have the rare Froot Loops for breakfast. (I can’t even bear to stand to type ‘fruit’ because it’s not even close to being in a food group. But that’s just my opinion and precisely why we don’t have sugar cereals. )
Samuel’s 3rd birthday was easy going by little kid birthday standards. Lynette came over in the morning and helped me do his Thomas cake. Initially I wasn’t going to do it at all. When I got the cake pan out of the cupboard the week before to look at it and see if I wanted to even attempt it, Samuel saw it and got soooo excited. For the rest of the week he insisted on looking at the cake pan about every hour, “Where’s my Thomas?” he would ask over and over if I had moved it to a different part of the kitchen counter. I had pity on Samuel, and Lynette had pity on me and came over to help. She did really the lion’s share of the decorating and it was greatly appreciated by me and Samuel! (Julles had let me borrow her cake decorating kit.)
After we finished decorating the cake about 1:00 Samuel said, “is it my birthday now!?!” No, sorry sweetie, we have to wait until dinner time when dad gets home. At 1:10 Lynette and I had a rehearsal at my house with another flute player for a symphony performance next week. During the rehearsal in our living room he got a sippy cup and fell asleep on the couch from 1:30 to about 4:30! So when he woke up he was good and excited for his party! The Lewis’ came in shifts (Brynn arrived from Ballet just as Karalyn had to leave for YW), and LaMont and Matt came over a little after the cake had been served. (The other Leavitt’s were at piano lessons.)
Samuel and his brothers played with a new Thomas set until about 10:00pm. His brothers crashed pretty fast, but since Samuel had that long nap and had a bunch of sugar, and all the other excitment he didn’t fall asleep until nearly midnight!
Jacob smiling – close up
Jacob smiling
Dad holding Jacob.
Samuel’s 3rd Birthday
The Thomas Birthday Cake